To an even greater extent than that of england, the american drama of the nineteenth century was a bastard art-form . 十九世纪的美国戏剧作为一种驳杂的艺术形式,更甚于英国。
It has been said that if you listen carefully , you may even hear english 有人说,只有仔细听,才有可能在这熙熙攘攘,驳杂拥挤的人群中听到有人讲英语。
Just because of guidance by all these thoughts , cao cao got the great achievement in unifying the country 正是在这种驳杂的思想指导下,曹操成就了平乱致治、反分促合的历史功业。
There are many kinds of constructivism and sometimes they are antilogy , for where there are constructivists , there is constructivism 其来源驳杂,流派纷呈,有时甚至自相矛盾。因为,有多少个建构主义者,可能就有多少种建构主义。
The firm theories have been paid attention to a bit hot in the modern economic theories with the research ascend of a bit difficulty 企业理论一直是现代经济理论中关注的热点和研究上的难点。因而,企业理论研究的成果异常丰富,但也异常驳杂。
Part six combs several models of news values theory , which are both denotative and connotative . granted as a conclusion : at first , a summary or a compreh 第六节则于驳杂纷繁的原始研究文献出梳理出了几个既直观又各有理论蕴涵的“新闻价值理论模式” 。
The number of biographies of zhang ailing ( eileen chang , 1920 - 1995 ) has increased from two in 1992 to more than 50 today , justifying zhang as an independent , many - sided and prolific writer 摘要张爱玲传记由1992年初起时的两部发展至今已有五十余部,呈现出作为研究对象本身的独立、驳杂与丰富。