the self-conceited troops are destined to fail [failure].; an army puffed up with pride is bound to lose.; an army which is cocksure about its invincibility is doomed to defeat.; proud troops will certainly be beaten
Example Sentences:
They say that pride comes before a fall 上午人道是骄兵必败。
" dark tales ii " consisted of eight touching love stories between earthly man and the immortals , which are in fact parables : " feather fairy " describes how earthly love cannot resist temptations ; " the phantom and the fox " points out man can hardly distinguish between the good and the evil ; " the judge from hell " prompts man not to be greedy and that being common is good ; " flower fairies " relates how easy man will turn weak and suspicious ; " mistake " teaches man to do good ; " ghost mother " shows how deep a mother loves her child ; " sacred sword " reminds man not to underestimate others ; " eternal love " reveals how love can last forever 八个诡异动人的人鬼狐仙故事,写尽世情变幻无常,包括:描写世人信誓旦旦之爱情经不起考验的绿野飞仙;讲述狐鬼斗法、正邪难辨的魅影灵狐;警惕世人平凡是福的陆判奇谭;阐述人、仙相恋、不离不弃的花醉红尘;导出好心有好报的阴差阳错;描写母慈子孝、伦理亲情的鬼母痴儿;寓意骄兵必败的斩妖神剑;及细味浪漫爱情的隔世追情等。