The owner thought that we would give chubby a good home , so he gave the sixteen ? year ? old gelding to my parents for free 马主认为我们能给查比一个好的家,就把这匹16岁的骟马送给了我父母。
And anything with its testicles bruised or crushed or broken or cut , you shall not present to jehovah ; you shall not do this in your land 24凡外肾损伤、或压碎、或破裂、或骟了的,不可献给耶和华;在你们的地上不可这样行。
Ye shall not offer unto the lord that which is bruised , or crushed , or broken , or cut ; neither shall ye make any offering thereof in your land 肾子损伤的,或是压碎的,或是破裂的,或是骟了的,不可献给耶和华,在你们的地上也不可这样行。
The old counts horse , a sorrel gelding , with a white mane and tail , called viflyanka , was led by the counts groom ; he was himself to drive straight in a light gig to the spot fixed for him to stand 伯爵的马夫牵着老伯爵骑的一匹叫做维夫梁卡的白鬃白尾的枣红色骟马他本人乘坐一辆轻便马车径直地向兽径驰去。
Let the wolf slip ! sportsmen indeed ! and as though scorning to waste more words on the confused and frightened count , he lashed the moist and heavy sides of his brown gelding with all the fury that had been ready for the count , and flew off after the dogs 他好像没有跟局促不安的胆战心惊的伯爵交谈,对伯爵怀恨在心,用力鞭挞一下栗色骟马那凹陷的汗湿的肋部,跟在猎犬后面疾驰去了。
He was asked to arbitrate in family quarrels ; he was chosen executor ; secrets were entrusted to him ; he was elected a justice , and asked to fill other similar posts ; but he had always persisted in refusing all public appointments , spending the autumn and spring in the fields on his bay horse , the winter sitting at home , and the summer lying in his overgrown garden 有人请他评判家中事,请他做个遗嘱执行人,把秘密讲给他听,推选他担任审判官或其他职务,但他总要坚决拒绝公务,秋季与春季他骑着自己那匹淡栗色骟马在田野里消磨时光,冬季在家中歇息,夏季在草木茂盛的花园中乘凉。