| 1. | A key national network of communications optical cables 全国通信光缆骨干网 |
| 2. | Decision analysis of internet backbone net 互联网骨干网互联决策分析 |
| 3. | Settlement of internet interconnection bargaining on the focal point 的互联网骨干网讨价还价结算 |
| 4. | Non - cooperative game analysis of internet backbone interconnection 互联网骨干网互联的非合作博弈分析 |
| 5. | Traffic engineering and traffic matrix in ip backbone network based on mpls 骨干网流量工程及流量矩阵 |
| 6. | Incentive analysis of asymmetric internet network interconnection 非对称互联网骨干网网间互联激励分析 |
| 7. | Transit and peering competition game between internet backbone providers 互联网骨干网转接与直联竞争博弈 |
| 8. | Public peering and fair settlements between different internet backbones 互联网骨干网间公共直联及公平奖励结算模型 |
| 9. | An analysis of policy decision of interconnection between internet backbone providers 互联网骨干网网间互联决策分析 |
| 10. | First - best social interconnection choice game between internet backbone providers 互联网骨干网连接方式的最优选择博弈 |