| 1. | The reason for this is presumably that they want to preserve the magic ability within the family 这样做的原因似乎是他们想让他们的家庭保持魔法天赋。 |
| 2. | If there is only one gene for the ability to do magic , it could be either recessive or dominant 如果魔法天赋是由一对基因决定的,魔法等位基因可以是显性的或者是隐性的。 |
| 3. | To simplify i have made the presupposition that magic is the result of one gene ( or rather one pair of genes ) alone 为简化问题起见,我们假设这样一个前提:魔法天赋仅来源与一个基因(或许说一对基因更为准确) 。 |
| 4. | Conversely , if the magic trait is dominant mingling with muggles poses a small threat to magic ability for your children 反之,如果魔法天赋具有显性特征,则与麻瓜结合会让你的孩子有不具有魔法能力的小的可能性。 |
| 5. | Should there be more than one gene , it is my firm belief that it would not destroy the argument ? merely add more words to it 如果魔法天赋不只与一对基因有关,我坚信我下面的论点依然有效,只不过需要更多的篇幅加以阐述而已。 |
| 6. | However , having children with a muggle - born witch or wizard will not threaten the family ' s magic in any way , because he or she is just as pure as you are 可是,与一个麻瓜出身的巫师结合却不会以任何形式威胁你家庭的魔法天赋遗传,因为他/她的血统与你一样纯正。 |
| 7. | A person who has a lot of magic talent but who is not considered to be “ pure ” would be an outcast , shunned or worse , as he or she would be considered inferior 一个很有魔法天赋但却被认为血统不纯的人为社会不容,歧视甚至更糟,因为他/她被人认为本身低人一等。 |
| 8. | If magic is a recessive trait , then marrying and having children with a muggle will certainly impair the chances of your family staying magical for the next generation 如果魔法天赋具有隐性特征,那么与一个麻瓜结合生孩子自然便降低了你家庭的下一代保持魔法天赋的机会。 |
| 9. | Thus , an individual who lacks magic is considered subhuman , even if they possess other desirable characteristics such as intelligence , artistic skill , honesty , or courage 这样,一个人没有魔法天赋就被认为不是完全的人类,尽管他们可能掌握了其他非常有用的特质,如智慧,艺术才能,真诚,或者勇气。 |