| 1. | Right now i adore patrick kluivert as a footballer 现在我比较欣赏克鲁伊维特。 ” |
| 2. | Good . we ' ll need fernandez , luigi and bill 很好,我们需要佛朗迪兹鲁伊吉和比尔 |
| 3. | As a shape shifter , what forms can a druid take 如果使用变形术,德鲁伊可以变成什么 |
| 4. | Druids have learned to dance while shapeshifted 德鲁伊现在在变形形态下学会了跳舞。 |
| 5. | Who will it be then ? kluivert or you 问:谁会被选中呢?你还是克鲁伊维特? |
| 6. | Will druids be able to fight in their morphed forms 德鲁伊在变身的情况下可以战斗吗? |
| 7. | Druid aoes will no longer affect the group 德鲁伊的群魔不再伤害队友了。 |
| 8. | Caydiem > are you aware how a druid plays in tank form 你知道德鲁伊坦克形态如何操作么? |
| 9. | What improvements have you made to druid elemental skills 对德鲁伊的元素技能有什么改动? |
| 10. | What do you think about that crazy druid 你怎么看那个疯狂的德鲁伊? |