| 1. | Clellan's more in your line . 柯黎兰似乎更配你的口味。 |
| 2. | Huxlay was an exponent of darwin's theory of evolution . 赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的解释者。 |
| 3. | Le duc tho cabled me in a similar vein on october 27 . 十月二十七日,黎德寿以同样基调给我来电。 |
| 4. | Le duc tho noted it without any show of interest . 黎德寿注意到了这一点,但未露出感兴趣的任何迹象。 |
| 5. | "i'll tell you, lieutenant," clellan said flatly . “你听我说,少尉,”柯黎兰用不痛不痒的口气说道。 |
| 6. | Approaching tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield . 在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。 |
| 7. | His line of communications trailed back a thousand miles to tripoli . 他的交通线长达一千英里,直到黎波里。 |
| 8. | Hearn's temper flared. "clellan you don't work so hard. " 侯恩这下可来了火。“柯黎兰,你干活就是不卖劲。” |
| 9. | Suppose you just tell clellan to collect a few each morning . 你只要关照一下柯黎兰,叫他每天早上去采几朵来就行。 |
| 10. | I grew to understand that le duc tho considered negotiations as another battle . 我逐渐明白,黎德寿把谈判看作是另一种战斗。 |