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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

expansionism n. expansionnisme
expansionist n. expansionniste
expansive adj. expansif, démonstratif
expansively adv. de façon expansive
expansiveness n. expansivité
expansivity n. expansivité
expat n. expatriév. expatrier
expatiate v. disserter
expatiation n. fait de parler longuement
expatiator n. qui fait traîner une conv...
expatriate v. expatrieradj. expatrié, e...
expatriate israeli un israélien expatrié
expatriation n. expatriation, exil
expect v. attendre, espérer; s'atte...
expect no less n'en attendre pas moins
expect nothing less n'en attendre pas moins
expectable adj. prévu, attendu, présumé
expectance n. attente, espoir
expectancy n. attente, espérance de vie...
expectant n. qui attend, enceinteadj. ...
expectant father futur père
expectant mother mère destinée
expectantly adv. dans l'attente, dans l'...
expectation n. attente, espérance
expectation interest intérêt d'espérance (attente...
expectative adj. expectatif, attendant
expected adj. attendu, prévu
expected income revenu estimé (somme d'argen...
expected punishment la punition prévue (punition...
expected return retour espéré
expectedly adv. comme prévu
expecter n. qui attend, qui espère
expectorant n. expectorant, qui expulse ...
expectorate v. expectorer, cracher
expectoration n. expectoration, crachement...
expectorator n. expectorant; toussant
expects a miracle attend un miracle
expedience n. convenance
expediency n. convenance, opportunité; ...
expedient n. expédient, solutionadj. o...
expediential adj. opportun
expediently adv. utilement, avantageusem...
expedite v. expédier, accélérer, prom...
expedite luggage expédier un colis
expedite matters accélérer les choses
expediter n. activant; expéditeur
expedition n. expédition; voyage; vites...
expeditionary adj. expéditionnaire
expeditious adj. expéditif
expeditiously adv. expéditivement
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