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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

expert system système d'expert (programme ...
expert witness expert cité comme témoin (sp...
expertise n. expertise, avis, compéten...
expertly adv. adroitement, de façon e...
expertness n. expertise, compétence
experts committee comité d'experts
expiate v. expier
expiation n. expiation
expiator n. expiateur
expiatory adj. expiatoire; destiné à l...
expiration n. expiration; annulation, a...
expiration date date d'expiration
expiration of the right expiration du droit (fin de ...
expiration of the ultimatum l'heure d'expiration de l'ul...
expiration of truce expiration de la trêve, cess...
expiratory adj. expiratoire
expire v. expirer, se terminer, ces...
expiry n. échéance, abolition, achè...
expiry date date d'expiration, date limi...
explain v. expliquer
explain away ôter un doute, expliquer
explain oneself s'expliquer
explainable adj. explicable
explained himself s'est expliqué
explainer n. personne qui donne des ex...
explanation n. explication
explanatory adj. explicatif
explanatory note note explicative
explant n. tissu pris de la faune ou...
expletive n. mot explétif, sans signif...
explicable adj. explicable
explicate v. expliquer, interpréter
explication n. interprétation
explicative adj. explicatif
explicator n. personne qui interprète
explicatory adj. explicatif, interprétat...
explicit adj. explicite, formel, clai...
explicit address adresse explicite, adresse d...
explicit authority pouvoir explicite
explicit function fonction explicite
explicit or implied explicite ou implicite
explicitly adv. explicitement
explicitly or implicitly explicitement ou impliciteme...
explicitly requested a instamment demandé; on lui...
explicitness n. de manière explicite, exp...
explode v. éclater, exploser; faire ...
explode in mid-air exploser en plein ciel
explode with anger éclater de colère
exploded adj. éclaté, séparé
exploded pie chart graphique circulaire éclaté
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