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French translation for "macklin"

Example Sentences:
1.Macklin was married to her elder sister Lucy.
Macklin avait épousé sa sœur aînée, Lucy.
2.Macklin was born in Kensington, and educated at Eton College.
Macklin naquit à Kensington, et étudia au Collège d'Eton.
3.The company was formed by H Eric Orr-Ewing and Noel Campbell Macklin.
La société a été constituée par H Eric Orr-Ewing et Noel Campbell Macklin.
4.Eric-Campbell was formed by H Eric Orr-Ewing and Noel Campbell Macklin.
L'entreprise Eric-Campbell est issue de l'association entre H Eric Orr-Ewing et Noel Campbell Macklin.
5.Macklin subsequently founded Silver Hawk, Invicta and Railton car manufacturers.
Macklin a par la suite fondé les fabricants de voitures Silver Hawk, Invicta et Railton.
6.Terry Duguid (Lib) by 278 votes Northumberland—Quinte West, ON: Paul Macklin (Lib) def.
Terry Duguid (Lib) par 278 voix Northumberland—Quinte West, ON : Paul Macklin (Lib) déf.
7.Alexander Macklin was born in 1889 in India, where his father was a doctor.
Macklin est né en 1889 en Inde, où son père exerçait comme médecin.
8.In Rio, Shackleton suffered a heart attack but would not let Macklin examine him.
À Rio, Shackleton avait eu une attaque cardiaque mais avait refusé que Macklin l'examine.
9.He was the father of sports car and Formula One racing driver Lance Macklin.
Il était le père du pilote de voitures de sport et Formule Un Lance Macklin.
10.It was released with remixes by the Loose Cannons, Ben Macklin, Paul Jackson, and Rogerseventytwo.
Il fut commercialisé avec des remixes de Loose Cannons, Ben Macklin, Paul Jackson et RogerSeventyTwo.
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