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French translation for "macpaint"

Example Sentences:
1.MacPaint 2.0 was released on January 11, 1988 by Claris.
Claris sort MacPaint 2.0 le 11 janvier 1988.
2.Claris discontinued technical support for the original MacPaint in 1989.
Claris abandonne le support technique de MacPaint dès 1989.
3.The applications MacPaint and MacWrite were bundled with the Mac.
Les applications MacPaint et MacWrite furent livrées avec le Mac.
4.MacPaint included a "Goodies" menu which included the FatBits tool.
MacPaint possédait un menu « Goodies », où se logeait l'outil FatBits.
5.MacPaint 2.0 was developed by David Ramsey, a developer at Claris.
MacPaint 2.0 fut développé par David Ramsey, un développeur travaillant pour Claris.
6.It came bundled with two applications designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint.
Il comportait alors deux applications : MacPaint et MacWrite.
7.The Newsweek advertisement included many pages dedicated to explaining how MacWrite and MacPaint worked together.
De nombreuses pages expliquaient comment MacWrite et MacPaint fonctionnaient ensemble.
8.Claris stopped selling MacPaint in early 1998 because of diminishing sales.
La filiale d'Apple cesse de vendre MacPaint début 1998 à cause d'une diminution des ventes.
9.MacPaint was notable because it could generate graphics that could be used by other applications.
MacPaint était alors célèbre car il permettait de créer des images qui pouvaient être utilisées par d'autres applications.
10.The original MacPaint consisted of 5,804 lines of Pascal computer code, augmented by another 2,738 lines of 68000 assembly language.
Sa première version contenait 5 804 lignes de Pascal et 2 738 lignes d'Assembleur pour Motorola 68000,.
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