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French translation for "thd"

Example Sentences:
1.He was replaced by Brent "Ned" Niemi, who was a veteran of the Toronto progressive metal band THD that also featured former Slash Puppet vocalist Mif.
Il est remplacé par Brent « Ned » Niemi, ancien membre du groupe de metal progressif torontois THD.
2.From 1941 he taught church history at the Unitarian-affiliated Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, CA, and at the nearby Pacific School of Religion, while studying for his ThD completed at Union Theological Seminary, New York (1946).
Dès 1941 il enseigne l'histoire de l'Église à la Starr King School for the Ministry (en) de Berkeley, et à la Pacific School of Religion (en), alors qu'il prépare sa thèse de théologie, The Norman Anonymous of AD 1100,.
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