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English translation for "gain"

n. gain, profit, benefit
Example Sentences:
1.This constitutes a real gain in quality.
cela constitue un gain réel de qualité.
2.It won the argument at that time.
il avait alors eu gain de cause.
3.There have to be gains all round.
elles doivent constituer un gain général.
4.We hope that finally we will be successful.
nous espérons réussir à obtenir gain de cause.
5.Where is the economic gain in that?
où est le gain économique?
6.So what is the advantage?
alors , où est le gain?
7.Their incentive is merely a desire for money.
ce qui les guide , c’est l’appât du gain.
8.Did we get that?
avons-nous obtenu gain de cause ?
9.This gain was stalled by Union artillery.
Ce gain est interrompu par l'artillerie de l'Union.
10.The survey brought him considerable personal profit.
Cette opération lui rapporte un gain personnel important.
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