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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

leipzig n. leipzig, city in east cen...
leishmania n. leishmania, parasitic fla...
leishmanide n. leishmanid
leishmaniose n. leishmaniasis, infectious...
leitmotiv n. leitmotiv
lejeune n. lejeune, family name; joh...
lek n. lek, coin and monetary un...
lemme n. lemma, helping theory, su...
lemming n. lemming, any of number of...
lemmon n. lemmon, family name; jack...
lemniscal adj. lemniscal
lemniscate n. lemniscate
lemniscus n. lemniscus, band of nerve ...
lempira n. lempira, paper money and ...
lena n. lena, female first name; ...
lendemain n. next-day, tomorrow
lendl n. lendl, family name; ivan ...
leningrad n. leningrad, former name of...
lennon n. lennon, family name; john...
lenon n. lennon, family name; john...
lens n. lens, a city north france
lent adj. slow, tardy; lento, bac...
lente n. nit
lentement adv. slowly, leisurely, tard...
lenteur n. slowness, backwardness, s...
lenteurs n. slow progess; slowness, q...
lenticelle n. lenticelle
lenticulaire adj. lenticular, of or perta...
lenticule n. duckweed, stemless water ...
lentigine n. lentigo, freckle, small p...
lentigineux adj. lentiginous
lentiginose n. lentiginosis
lentigo n. lentigo, freckle, small p...
lentille n. lentil, plant belonging t...
lentille de contact n. contact lens
lentilles de contact n. contact lenses
lentillon n. lentil, plant belonging t...
lentivirus n. lentivirus (virology), ty...
lento adv. lento, slowly
leonard bernstein n. leonard bernstein (1918-1...
leonard peltier n. leonard peltier (born 194...
leonardo dicaprio n. leonardo dicaprio (born 1...
leonardo fibonacci n. leonardo fibonacci (1170-...
leonberg n. leonberg
leone n. leone, female first name;...
leonhard n. leonhard, male first name
leonid n. leonid, male first name (...
leonid brejnev n. leonid brejnev (1906-82),...
leonurus n. leonurus
leopold n. leopold, male first name
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