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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

rectocolite n. rectocele, hernia of the ...
rectoral adj. rectorial, pertaining t...
rectorat n. rectorship
rectoscope n. rectoscope
rectoscopie n. proctoscopy, examination ...
rectum n. rectum, last section of t...
rectus n. rectus, any straight musc...
recueil n. collection, miscellany; o...
recueil de chansons n. songbook
recueil de texte n. reader
recueillement n. contemplation, meditation...
recueillir v. gather, collect; garner, ...
recuire v. recook, cook a second tim...
recuisson n. recooking, reheating, act...
recul n. recession, retreat; recoi...
recul de yen par rapport au dollar n. fall of the yen against t...
reculade n. flinch, act of wincing or...
reculade devant n. boggle
reculement n. backing; breech band
reculer v. move back, back away, bac...
reculer de v. recoil from something
reculer devant v. boggle
reculons adv. backwards, to the back;...
recyclable adj. recyclable, capable of ...
recyclage n. recycling, retraining, re...
recycler v. recycle, retrain, reclaim
recycleur n. one who makes a copy, one...
redding n. redding, family name; cit...
reddition n. surrender, yielding, subm...
redemander v. redemand, claim again, re...
redescendant adj. going back down
redescendre v. go back down; go down
redessiner v. redye, color again with d...
redevable adj. beholden, indebted
redevance n. royalties, licence fee, d...
redevenir v. become again
redevenir amis v. become friends again
redevenir normal v. settle down
redevenir serein v. become serene
redford n. redford, family name
rediffuser v. repeat, rebroadcast
rediffusion n. rebroadcast, rerun, repea...
redingote n. frock, frock coat
redire v. repeat, reiterate
rediscussion n. reconsideration, renewed ...
rediscuter v. discuss again
rediscuter de v. talk about
redistribuer v. redistribute, reallocate
redistribution n. redistribution, reallocat...
redite n. repetition, reiteration
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