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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

sydney n. sydney, port city and sta...
syenite n. syenite (geology)
syllabaire n. syllabary, set of charact...
syllabation n. syllabication, division i...
syllabe n. syllable, segment of spee...
syllabe sans accent n. unstressed syllabe (gramm...
syllabique adj. syllabic, of or pertain...
syllepse n. syllepsis, instance in wh...
syllogisme n. syllogism, type of deduct...
syllogistique adj. syllogistic, of or pert...
sylphe n. sylph, being that inhabit...
sylvain n. silvan, male first namen....
sylvester graham n. sylvester graham (1794-18...
sylvester stallone n. sylvester stallone (born ...
sylvestre n. sylvester, male first nam...
sylvia plath n. sylvia plath (1932-1963),...
sylviculture n. sylviculture, forestry, s...
sylvie n. sylvia, female first name
sylvien adj. sylvian, sylvian fissur...
sylvius n. sylvius, male first name;...
symbiose n. symbiosis, arrangement in...
symbiotique adj. symbiotic, symbiotical,...
symbole n. symbol, badge, token
symbolique adj. symbolic, nominal
symboliquement adv. symbolically, in a symb...
symbolisation n. symbolization, act of rep...
symboliser v. symbolize, represent, sig...
symbolisme n. symbolism, expression of ...
symboliste n. symbolist, one who studie...
sympa adj. (informal) nice, friend...
sympathectomie n. sympathectomy, surgery wh...
sympathicolytique adj. sympathicolytic
sympathie n. sympathy, friendship
sympathique adj. sympathetic, pleasant, ...
sympathisant n. sympathizer
sympathiser v. sympathize, be in agreeme...
sympatholytique adj. sympatholytic
sympatrique adj. sympatric
symphonie n. symphony, musical composi...
symphonique adj. symphonic, of or pertai...
symphoniste n. symphony writer
symphyse n. symphysis, growing togeth...
symposium n. symposium, meeting or con...
symptomatique adj. symptomatic, indicative...
symptomatologie n. symptomatology, branch of...
syn adj. cis, having two atoms o...
synagogue n. synagogue, congregation o...
synallagmatique adj. synallagmatic
synapsis n. synapsis, pairing of chro...
synarthrose n. synarthroses
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