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English translation for "universel"

adj. universal, worldwide, global, pandemic
n. universal, that which is all inclusive, something which is common to all
Example Sentences:
1.I think that this need is universal.
je pense que ce besoin est universel.
2.This service is included in the universal service.
ce service fait partie du service universel.
3.Universal service and '112' emergency number (
service universel et numéro d'appel d'urgence "112" (
4.There is universal access and universal demand.
il y a accès universel et demande universelle.
5.This is a universal principle of law.
c’est un principe de droit universel.
6.A universal service would indeed not suffice.
le service universel ne suffirait pas en réalité.
7.The large city issue is universal.
le thème de la grande ville est universel.
8.The universal service has a price.
le service universel a un coût.
9.This applies to universal service obligations.
c'est le cas des obligations de service universel.
10.On universal service (recital 3a)
concernant le service universel (considérant 3 bis)
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