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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

viennois adj. viennese, belonging to ...
viennoiserie n. pastries
vientiane n. vientiane, capital city o...
vierge adj. virgin, maidenliken. vi...
vierzon n. vierzon, city in france
vietcong n. vietcong, communist guerr...
vietnam n. vietnam, country in south...
vietnamien adj. vietnamese, of or perta...
vieux adj. old, aged; outdated; an...
vieux bonze n. fogey, old-fashioned pers...
vieux clou n. crock
vieux comme le monde adv. old as the hills, very ...
vieux coquin n. son of a gun
vieux jeu adj. old-fashioned
vieux jours n. old age, adult age, elder...
vieux libertin n. old rioter
vieux papiers n. wastepaper
vieux protecteur n. sugar daddy
vieux quartiers n. old town
vieux routier n. veteran, old stager
vieux tacot n. jalopy, ramshackle old ca...
vif adj. alive, live; lively, sp...
vif argent adj. quicksilver
vif du sujet n. nub of matter
vigan n. vigan, city in france
vigie n. lookout, watchman
vigie de frein n. brake signal
vigilance n. vigilance, wakefulness; w...
vigilant adj. vigilant, watchful, wak...
vigile n. vigil, period of wakefuln...
vigne n. vine, grape vine
vigne vierge n. virginia creeper
vigneron n. winery owner, one who own...
vignette n. headpiece, vignette; thum...
vignettiste n. vignettist, one who creat...
vignoble n. vineyard, place where gra...
vigogne n. vicuna, silky-fleeced rum...
vigoureusement adv. vigorously, loudly, mig...
vigoureux adj. sturdy, vigorous, robus...
vigueur n. vigor, strength, sturdine...
vih hiv, human immunodeficiency ...
vii adj. vii, number 7 (roman nu...
viii n. viii, number 8 (roman num...
viking n. viking, one of the scandi...
viktor klima n. viktor klima (born 1947),...
vil adj. vile, base, low
vilain adj. ugly, nasty, wicked, di...
vilain tour n. shabby trick
vilainement adv. mischievously, inapprop...
vilebrequin n. brace and bit, crank shaf...
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