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English translation for "文体家"


Related Translations:
警句文体:  epigrammatism
文体分析:  stylistic analysis
文体用品:  stationery & tackle
文体路:  wenti rd
破格文体:  anacoluthia
商议文体:  the consultative style
文体学:  style sciencestylistics
新闻文体:  style of language thought to be typical of newspapers containing many cliches
亲密文体:  the intimate style
文体活动:  entertainment and sportsrecreational activities
Example Sentences:
1.E.b. white is one of the most admirable literary stylists this country has so far produced .
2.E . b . white is one of the most admirable literary stylists this country has so far produced
E b怀特是这个国家迄今为止的最出色的文体家之一。
3.In german he was an exquisite stylist , and he brought to that language a new sensitivity in the art of story telling
4.Wang zeng - qi , a self - conscious stylist , practices the poetic construction of his novel style with his theory of " novel as reminiscences " and his theory of " atmosphere as persons " , which are both rich in poetic flavor
摘要汪曾祺作为一个有自觉意识的文体家,以“小说是回忆”的诗意构成、 “气氛即人物”的诗学意境的理论自觉,实践着小说文体的诗意建构。
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