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English translation for "文体风格"


Related Translations:
警句文体:  epigrammatism
文体分析:  stylistic analysis
文体用品:  stationery & tackle
文体路:  wenti rd
破格文体:  anacoluthia
商议文体:  the consultative style
文体学:  style sciencestylistics
新闻文体:  style of language thought to be typical of newspapers containing many cliches
亲密文体:  the intimate style
文体活动:  entertainment and sportsrecreational activities
Example Sentences:
1.It is a style which i have deliberately abandoned as too rhetorical .
2.A comparative study of the stylistic headstreams of lisao
3.The style of fei ming ' s fiction interpreted
4.On the style of ci
5.You have to bear in mind that english writing is difficult due to different writing styles and organization
6.However it is considered the most demanding and difficult part due to its unique style and abundant information contained in one piece of news
7.An intermediary style is exhibited through the strata in translation , which is a comparatively objective criterion for evaluation
8." for his mastery of the art of narrative , most recently demonstrated in the old man and the sea , and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style
9.This paper mainly deals with writing skills in terms of figures of speech , effective sentences and writing styles in order to help some students to make out excellent essays
10.It mainly analyzes their interpersonal function and stylistic function in discourse , in the purpose of understanding the communicative ideas better , so that we can apply the theory of the discourse linguistics into our teaching and learning practice
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