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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

丸剂 pill
丸子 a round mass of food
丸散膏丹 pill,pulvis,emplastrum and u...
丸药 pill of Chinese medicine
丸药盒 pillbox
丹云 Dan Yun
丹凤朝阳 The phoenix makes a bow to t...
丹墀 palace steps
丹宁 tannin
丹宁提取物 tannin extract
丹宁酸 digallic acid
丹心 loyal heart
丹方 folk prescription
丹枫 red maple
丹桂飘香 The heady fragrance of laure...
丹毒 erysipelas
丹毒毒素 erysipelotoxin
丹田 the pubic region
丹田之气 deep breath controlled by th...
丹青 red and green painting
丹青妙笔 superb artistry
丹顶鹤 Grus japonensis
丹麦 Denmark
丹麦人 Dane
丹麦语 Danish
为一个共同目标而奋斗 fight for one common goal
为一个崇高的理想而奋斗 strive after a lofty ideal
为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper
为世人所传诵 be read with admiration by p...
为世所病 become an object of public d...
为世诟病 become an object of public d...
为丛驱雀 drive the sparrows into the ...
为两国首脑会谈铺平道路 pave the way for summit talk...
为中国人争气 win credit for the Chinese p...
为主 give first place to
为主力部队打掩护 provide cover for the main f...
为之一新 give an entirely new complex...
为之倾倒 be infatuated with sb.
为之动容 become interested and show s...
为之心碎 break one's heart
为之担心 make oneself uneasy about...
为之津梁 serve as a bridge
为之神往 be enchanted with
为之赧然 blush with shame
为了 for
为了一点小事就大发脾气 Fly into a rage at the sligh...
为了保全面子 in order to save appearance
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