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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他自荐当我们商场的经理 He volunteered to serve as t...
他至少有一部分空闲时间看书 He spends at least a part of...
他致力于音乐 He's devoted to music.
他舒服地斜躺在沙发上看报 He reclined comfortably on a...
他苦思家乡 He is languishing for home.
他英语语法学得很扎实 He has a good grasp of Engli...
他英语说得流利 He speaks English fluently.
他获哥伦比亚大学政治学博士学位 He received a doctorate of p...
他藏在树后 He concealed himself behind ...
他虐待妻子 He uses his wife very ill.
他虚心领受同志们的批评建议 He accepted his comrades' cr...
他虽年老而依然健壮 He is none the less vigorous...
他衣冠楚楚 He is fully dressed.
他表现出最大的耐心 He showed the greatest patie...
他被一家有声望的人家收养 He was adopted into a respec...
他被交到警察手里 He was delivered into the ha...
他被人揍了一顿 He was beaten up by somebody...
他被从死刑减为无期徒刑 His punishment of death was ...
他被任为那所大学的终身教授 He was appointed professor i...
他被传唤出庭作证 He was summoned as a witness...
他被传唤到法官面前 He was summoned before a jud...
他被免职了 He was relieved of his post.
他被击毙 He was shot to death.
他被分到厂里的热处理车间 He was assigned to the heat-...
他被判五年劳役 He was sentenced to five yea...
他被判处终身流放 He was condemned to life-lon...
他被判有谋杀罪 He was convicted of murder.
他被刺了一匕首 He was stabbed with a dagger...
他被叫出城去 He was called out of town.
他被名誉搞得眼花缭乱 He was dazzled by fame. hono...
他被处以火刑 He was executed with fire.
他被处死 He was put to death.
他被委以重任 He was given an important ta...
他被委派为代表参加会议 He was delegated to the conv...
他被害了 He was murdered. contract
他被开除以示惩戒 He was dismissed by way of d...
他被惹火了 He was provoked.
他被扣在警察局里 He is detained at a police s...
他被批准为共青团员 He was admitted as a member ...
他被抓起来了 He was arrested.
他被押在警察局里 He is detained at a police s...
他被指控受贿 He was charged with bribery.
他被指控用欺骗手段窜改帐目 He was charged with some dis...
他被捧上天了 He was exalted to the skies.
他被授予诺贝尔物理学奖 He was awarded the Nobel Pri...
他被控发表了煽动性讲话 He was charged with making i...
他被控犯有贪污罪 He was accused of corruption...
他被提升到上尉军阶 He was promoted to the rank ...
他被收音机吵醒了 He was disturbed and awakene...
他被放逐到一个很远的地方 He was exiled to a distant l...
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