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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他说话有板有眼 Whatever he says is well pre...
他说话爱绕圈子 He likes to beat about the b...
他说话简短 He is brief of speech.
他说话调门儿高 He has a high-pitched voice.
他说起话来俨然是个圣人 He speaks just like a sage.
他说起话来油腔滑调的 He speaks glibly.
他说这些话是有来头的 He didn't say these words wi...
他说那种话来污辱我 He insulted me by saying tha...
他请求援助 He is begging for help.
他谈不上是个优等生 He is far from being an exce...
他谈话时漫无中心 He rambles in his talk.
他谎报了迟到的原因 He lied about his reasons fo...
他负债已达一万美元 He is in debt to the extent ...
他负债累累 He is under a heavy debt.
他负责学校工作 He is in charge of the schoo...
他赌博成瘾 He is much given to gambling...
他赌博输了很多钱 He lost a lot of money in ga...
他赌博输掉了全部财产 He gambled away all his fort...
他赌咒曾看到过被告从犯罪现场离开 He took an oath that he had ...
他走了 He has left.
他走了总有一个星期吧 He's been away for at least ...
他走了谁来顶替他 Who's going to take his plac...
他走到门口劈头泼来一盆脏水 As he reached the door,he wa...
他走路轻快 He is a brisk walker.
他赶紧掣回手去 He quickly drew back his han...
他赶紧跑来搭手 He hurries to help me.
他起了恻隐之心 He was moved with compassion...
他起床了没有 Is he up yet?
他起誓曾看到被告从犯罪现场离开 He took an oath that he had ...
他起诉要求损害赔偿 He sued for damage.
他越狱后躲藏在一个无人居住的农舍里 After breaking out of jail,h...
他越讲越不着边际 The more he talked,the furth...
他趸批零售 He buys at wholesale and sel...
他跌伤了 He fell down and injured him...
他跌倒摔断了左腿 He fell over and broke his l...
他跑回去拿雨伞 He run back for an umbrella.
他跑得很快 He can run very fast.
他跟一个漂亮的姑娘定亲了 He is engaged to a pretty gi...
他跟他的妻子 he and his wife
他跟前有一儿一女 He has a son and a daughter ...
他跟我一样高 He and I are of the same hei...
他跟投机倒把分子有瓜葛 He's got mixed up with specu...
他跟谁都合不来 He could not get along with ...
他跟贼勾搭上了 He ganged up with some thiev...
他跪在国王面前请求赦罪 He knelt before the king and...
他跳上公共汽车时哼哧哼哧地直喘 He was puffing hard when he ...
他跳上公共汽车时喘息不已 He was puffing hard when he ...
他踢中锋 He plays centre forward.
他踢左内锋 He plays inside left.
他踢足球时扭伤了脚脖子 He sprained his ankle when p...
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