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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

双转子压缩机 two-spool compressor
双转子喷气发动机 double spool jet engine
双转子燃气轮机 birotary turbine
双转子电动机 spinner motor
双转子锤式破碎机 impact breaker
双转鼓锁 duplex lock
双轮 double round
双轮人力车 brouette
双轮压路机 tandem roller
双轮双座马车 hansom
双轮双铧犁 two-wheeled double-bladed pl...
双轮小车 dandy horse
双轮弹药车 ammunition cart
双轮炮车 artillery cart
双轴 biax
双轴励磁 double axis excitation
双轴取向 biaxial orientation
双轴式汽轮机 cross compound steam turbine
双轴晶体 biaxial crystal
双轴磁元件 biax magnetic element
双轴磁芯 biax magnetic core
双轻子 dilepton
双轻子事例 dilepton event
双输入 dual input
双输入减法器 two-input subtractor
双输入加法器 two-input adder
双输入晶体管 dual input transistor
双输入混频器 double-input mixer
双边 bilateral
双边主义 bilateralism
双边买主垄断 bilateral oligopoly
双边会谈 bilateral talks
双边信贷互惠协定 bilateral swap agreement
双边协定 bilateral agreement
双边合同 bilateral contract
双边援助 bilateral assistance
双边支付 bilateral payment
双边支付协定 bilateral payment agreement
双边有价证券投资 bilateral portfolio investme...
双边条约 bilateral treaty
双边法律关系 bilateral legal relations
双边清算 bilateral clearing
双边税收抵免协定 bilateral agreement on tax c...
双边谈判 bilateral negotiations
双边货币进出国境协定 bilateral agreement on the m...
双边贷款 bilateral loan
双边贸易 bilateral trade
双边贸易协定 bilateral trade agreement
双边进口配额 bilateral import quota
双边配额 bilateral quota
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