The qing dynasty government attached great importance to it after the legitimization of this army 清政府对该军的利用和控制政策有一个变化过程,大体上可分为两个阶段。
They are the type of plea bargaining , the elements of plea bargaining , the system foundations of plea bargaining , the arguments on retraining or abolishing plea bargaining . chapter three is about the legitimization of plea bargaining . it can raise greatly proceeding efficiency , satisfy the needs of realistic just and adversary proceedings , accord with litigious psychology and conforms to the simplification trend of the due procedure 其一,辩诉交易制度契合程序公正对程序及时、接受正当审判等内在要求;其二,辩诉交易制度契合实体公正的要求;其三,对诉讼效率提高的关注是辩诉交易制度得以存在的原因之一;其四,辩诉交易制度符合正当程序简易化的趋势。