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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

故事员 storyteller
故事情节复杂 The story is very complicate...
故事新谈 give the old yarn a new turn
故事曲折有致 The plot is intricate and fu...
故事片 film-picture
故事画报 storyboard
故事的情节是曲折的 The story has a complicated ...
故事的梗概 the gist of a story
故事的线索 threads of a story
故事的续篇 the continuance of a story
故事续编 a continuation of a story
故交 old friend
故人 old friend one's former wife...
故伎 stock trick
故伎重演 repeat the stock tricks
故作姿态 strike a pose
故作惊讶 feign surprise
故作狂佯 struggle and gesticulate sav...
故作神秘 make a mystery of sth.
故作镇静 keep a stiff upper lip
故作震惊 with a show of dismay
故作高深 pretend to be profound
故典史籍 ancient works and historical...
故剑情深 one's unforgettable former w...
故去 die
故友 one's deceased friendⅣ purpo...
故土 native land
故地 old haunt
故址 site
故定债款 consolidated indebtedness
故宫 the Imperial Palace
故宫博物院 Palace Museum
故家子弟 old family and his descendan...
故居 former residence
故居新址 one's old homestead and new ...
故弄玄虚 kick up a cloud of dust
故态复萌 return to one's old habits
故意 intentionally
故意为难 deliberately make things dif...
故意使用伪造证券 uttering forged documents
故意侵害人身 intentional interference wit...
故意侵权行为 intentional tort
故意做某事 do sth. by intention
故意冷落新来者 snub the newcomers
故意刁难 deliberately make things dif...
故意夸大 deliberate exaggeration
故意如此 cook all this up
故意扯谎 tell a lie intentionally
故意拖延 merry-go-round
故意挑衅 trail one's coat
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