And if tony blair gets an invitation , he could go aswilliamcollins - a sycophant who thrives on the favour of lady debourghand who spends much of his time lecturing his femalecousins 如果英国首相布莱尔也接到宴会邀请,那么他也将会扮演其中一个角色,这个角色很可能就是小说中的威廉科林斯。
And if tony blair gets an invitation , he could go as william collins - a sycophant who thrives on the favour of lady de bourgh and who spends much of his time lecturing his female cousins 如果英国首相布莱尔也接到宴会邀请,那么他也将会扮演其中一个角色,这个角色很可能就是小说中的威廉科林斯。
He is only called a genius because of the glamour and authority with which the military are invested , and because masses of sycophants are always ready to flatter power , and to ascribe to it qualities quite alien to it 因为军人们被授予荣誉和权力,成群的蝇营狗苟的坏胚子趋炎附势,本不具备的天才品质都赋予了权势,于是他们便被称为天才。
Friendship with the son and daughter - in - law of an imprisoned supreme court justice afforded me a special pipeline into high - level ghanaian gossip about the alarming psychological condition of the head of state , said alternately to be suffering from delusions of grandeur fed by sycophants or to be reduced to quivering agoraphobia after the attempts on his life 因与一在狱的最高法院法官的儿子两夫妇有些交情,从而得知加纳高层传出的一些小道消息,说是国家元首的心理状况令人担忧,有人说他现在总是把那些奉承他的人当成联邦人员,也有人说他在遭人企图谋杀之后就得了陌生环境恐怖症,身子虚到发抖。
In the , sandwichman , distributor of throwaways , nocturnal vagrant , insinuating sycophant , maimed sailor , blind stripling , superannuated bailiff s man , marfeast , lickplate , spoilsport , pickthank , eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under discarded perforated umbrella . destitution : the inmate of old man s house royal hospital , kilmainham , the inmate of simpson s hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight . nadir of misery : the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper 行乞方面:欺诈成性的破产者,对每一英磅的欠款只有一先令四便士的微乎其微的偿还能力者,广告人,撒传单的,夜间的流浪汉,巴结求宠的谄媚者,缺胳膊短腿的水手,双目失明的青年,为法警跑腿的老朽318 ,宴会乞丐,舔盘子的,专扫人兴的,马屁精,撑着一把捡来的净是窟窿的伞,坐在公园的长凳上,成为公众笑料的怪人。