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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

这船平安抵陆 The ship came safe to land.
这艘客轮上几千名乘客的生命安危全维系于船长一人 The captain of the passagers...
这艘船已进行过正式试航 The official trial of the sh...
这艘船满载货物驶往上海 The vessel is fully loaded w...
这艘船的船底已损坏 The ship sustained damage to...
这艘船载重多少 What's the carrying capacity...
这艘轮船是中国制造的 This ship was made in China.
这节车厢定员 120人. This carriage has a se...
这花儿缺水 The flowers need watering.
这花园委实漂亮 The garden is indeed beautif...
这花瓶工艺很精 This vase is a piece of exqu...
这草坪的草该割了 The lawn needs mowing.
这药不灵 The drug will not work.
这药吃下去就见效 This medicine produces an in...
这药吃后会解除你的疼痛 This medicine will give you ...
这药味很冲 This medicine has a strong s...
这药因受潮失去了效力 The drug has lost its potenc...
这药已失效了 The medicine no longer has a...
这药已见效了 This medicine has taken effe...
这药很灵验 This medicine is highly effi...
这药很管用 This medicine is very effect...
这药性子平和 This is a mild drug.
这药无效 The drug was of no effect.
这药每天分三次吃 This medicine is to be taken...
这药能立即奏效 This medicine will have imme...
这药苦极了 This medicine tastes very bi...
这菜且煮呢 This dish takes a long time ...
这菜我吃着很顺口 I like the taste of this dis...
这菜筋多嚼不烂 The greens are full of fibre...
这菜里你盐搁得太多了 You put too much salt in thi...
这菜闻起来很好 The dish smells good.
这萝卜糠了 This radish has gone spongy.
这行业盈利不多 The profits in this business...
这表明了他的心胸宽广和友好 This shows him to be liberal...
这表需要擦油泥 The watch needs cleaning and...
这袋土豆也就一百斤 This sack of potatoes weighs...
这袋稍重了一点 This bag is a trifle too hea...
这被面的花儿很大方 The design on this quilt cov...
这褂子已洗得发白了 The coat has turned whitish ...
这西瓜瓤儿太肉了 The pulp of this watermelon ...
这要看你如何处理那个问题 That depends on how you tack...
这计划似属可行 It seems this plan is feasib...
这计划还很粗糙 The plan is yet in the rough...
这记忆珍藏在人们心中 The memory is enshrined in t...
这设备是我们自己制造的 The equipment is of our own ...
这话反过来说就不一定对 The converse of this stateme...
这话可太没边儿了 That's just absurd. near-by ...
这话太玄了 That's a pretty tall story.
这话当真 Is it really true?
这话我多会儿说来 When didi I say so? ever sin...
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