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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

这话真损透了 Saying this is really damagi...
这话真新鲜 That's a strange thing to sa...
这话说得出圈儿了 That's really going too far.
这话说得在理 That's a perfectly reasonabl...
这课是上一课的延续部分 This lesson is a continuatio...
这谣言引起了一阵猜测 The rumour raised a storm of...
这趟公共汽车中途不停 This is a nonstop bus.
这趣闻不胫而走 The amusing news travels fas...
这路人 this kind of person
这路子对头 It is the right way.
这身制服使他显得威严 The uniform imparts a dignif...
这身衣服她穿着太旷了 The dress sits loosely on he...
这身衣服穿着很伏贴 This suit fits perfectly. co...
这车不值五万美元 This car is not worth 50,000...
这车中途不站 This bus makes no stops alon...
这车能跑多快 How fast can this car go? qu...
这辆卡车吃重多少 What's the carrying capacity...
这辆卡车基本上没有什么磨损 The truck shows scarcely any...
这辆小车外表看起来还不赖 The car is not bad in appear...
这辆新汽车加速性能良好 The new car has good accelar...
这辆汽车出了什么毛病 What's the trouble with the ...
这辆自行车不及那辆好 This bike is not so good as ...
这辆自行车买得很称心 This bicycle is quite satisf...
这辆车开起来很灵便 The car handles well.
这辆车骑起来很轻快 The bicycle runs sweetly. re...
这辣椒真够劲儿 This pepper is really hot.
这边 here
这还了得 That is really going too far...
这远远超出了我的估计 It exceeded my estimate by a...
这造成了一种宛如真实的梦幻 It created an illusion reali...
这道数学题难度很大 This mathematics problem is ...
这道菜合他的口味 This dish is to his taste.
这道菜很爽口 This dish tastes very refres...
这道菜非常鲜美可口 This course is quite palatab...
这部书百读不厌 You never get tired of readi...
这部历史小说是走向崩溃的封建社会的缩影 This historical novel illust...
这部名著凝聚着他毕生的心血 In this masterpiece is embod...
这部宽银幕影片已连续放映了一个月 The wide-screen film has run...
这部小说中的人物形象描绘得维妙维肖 The characters in the novel ...
这部小说值得一读 This novel is worth reading....
这部小说共一百二十回 This novel has 120 chapters.
这部小说反映了农村改革的一个侧面 The novel presents one aspec...
这部小说已拍成电影了 This novel has been made int...
这部小说的主题之一是爱国主义 One of the major themes of t...
这部小说的定稿 the final version of the nov...
这部影片已上映五天 The film has run for five da...
这部影片很卖座 The film draws well.
这部影片是在大连拍的 This film was shot in Dalian...
这部影片还有很多欠缺 There are many shortcomings ...
这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来 This new machine will emanci...
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