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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

这项工程必须返工 This project must be started...
这项工程我们花了五年多时间 We spent over five years on ...
这项工程明年上马 The project will start next ...
这项工程满打满算有一百吨水泥就足够了 We need 100 tons of cement a...
这项工程该收尾了 The remaining part of the pr...
这项建议被普遍接受 The proposal found general a...
这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力 This technical innovation wi...
这项措施利多弊少 This measure will do more go...
这项措施尚待商酌 This measure needs further d...
这项政策是经过多次商议后才开始施行的 The policy was adopted in th...
这项政策被执行到了极端荒谬的程度 The policy was followed to a...
这项新发明获得最高奖 This new invention wins the ...
这项新工艺得到了更加广泛的采用 The new technology has been ...
这项检疫措施现已取消 The quarantine is now abolis...
这项行政命令置法律于不顾 The administrational order w...
这项计划失败得很惨 The plan failed miserably.
这项计划很可能被放弃 The plan will most probably ...
这项计划牵涉到许多部门 This project concerns many d...
这项计划非常成功 This plan was a great succes...
这项议案被大多数票否决了 The suggestion was voted dow...
这项采矿工艺不可靠 The mining technique is shak...
这顿饭潦草地开了出来 The dinner was served in a s...
这领带与你的西装不配 This tie does not match with...
这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的 The satellite was launched i...
这题目也许要个简明的注释 The subject may merit a brie...
这题目对我来说没有什么味道 This subject has no interest...
这题目对我来说没有什么趣味 This subject has no interest...
这首乐曲是他的智力产物 The music is his brain child...
这首歌是谁谱的曲 Who is the composer of the s...
这首歌曾风行一时 The song had a great vogue a...
这首歌正在广泛流行开来 The song is becoming widely ...
这首诗充满了爱国主义 This poem is imbued with pat...
这首诗具有浪漫主义时期的特点 This poem is typical of the ...
这首诗后两句不怎么压韵 The last two lines of this p...
这首诗在当时十分流行 The poem was all the rage th...
这首诗引起了读者的共鸣 This poem has struck a respo...
这首诗有民歌风味 This poem has the distinctiv...
这首诗读起来音调铿锵 This poem reads sonorous.
这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者对普通人民的爱和对统治阶级的恨 This poem fully expresses t
这鸡烤得正到火候 This roast hen is done to a ...
这黄瓜脆生爽口 The cucumbers are crisp and ...
进一步 go a step further
进一步发展友好关系 further develop relations
进一步扩大开放范围 extend the scope of opening ...
进一步提高质量 make further improvement on ...
进一步解放思想 further free the thinking fr...
进一步讨论是必要的 A further discussion is nece...
进一言 give a word of advice into
进京 go to the capital short for ...
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