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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

顺激流而下 descend the rapids of the ri...
顺理成章 follow a logical train of th...
顺畅 smooth
顺眼 pleasing to the eye
顺着 along
顺着线头找针脚 pick up clues
顺着这条路走到拐角处 Follow this road to the corn...
顺砌 facing bond
顺砌构造 side construction
顺磁 paramagnetic
顺磁共振 paramagnetic resonance
顺磁性 paramagnetism
顺竿儿爬 follow sb.'s cue and do ever...
顺纹 rift grain
顺纹锯切 saw with the grain
顺耳 pleasing to the ear
顺脚 on the way
顺致敬意 with my best respects
顺致最崇高的敬意 I avail myself of this oppor...
顺蔓摸瓜 follow the tendrilled vine t...
顺藤摸瓜 follow the vine to get the m...
顺行 prograde motion
顺路 on the way
顺路到朋友家看看 call on one's friend on the ...
顺辙儿 take one's route to
顺遂 go well
顺道 direct route
顺顺当当 by a happy chance
顺顺溜溜 smoothly and obediently
顺风 following wind
顺风一起即张帆启航 Make sail with the first fav...
顺风吹火 do a job made easy by outsid...
顺风扬帆 with swelling sails before t...
顺风扯旗 start an undertaking at an o...
顺风扯蓬 sail with the wind -- take a...
顺风段 downwind leg
顺风而呼 promote a public cause
顺风耳 clairaudience
顺风航行 sail before the wind
顺风行船 sail with the wind
顺风转舵 trim one's sails
顺风顺水 drift with the wind and the ...
顺风驶帆 free reach
顺骨捋筋 stroking of the muscle and t...
须作出很大努力 have to make a great effort
须元 Xu Yuan
须发 beard and hair
须发皆白 The hair and beard become al...
须子 palpus
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