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English translation for "一举两得,一箭双雕"

kill two birds with one stone

Related Translations:
一举两得:  shoot two hawks with one arrow; achieve two things at one stroke; butter both sides of one's bread; get a double advantage; get two results from one effort; kill two birds with one stone;
一箭双雕:  kill two birds with one stone [arrow]; achieve two things at one stroke; answer a double purpose; double gain; shoot two hawks with one arrow; succeed in doing two things by only one actio
一箭双雕等:  one arrow two hawks
一石二鸟 一箭双雕:  kill two birds with one stone
犯罪分子一箭双雕:  the criminals follow a double strategy
有品木宣言的一举两得:  checks and balances
在我们景区你能一举两得:  you can kill two birds with one stone in our scenery
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