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English translation for "一举歼灭来犯之敌"

wipe out the invaders at one fell swoop

Related Translations:
来犯:  come to attack us; invade our territory 短语和例子敌人胆敢来犯, 我们就把它消灭。 we'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory
消灭任何胆敢来犯的敌人:  wipe out any enemy who dares to invade our country
敌人胆敢来犯我们就把它消灭:  we'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory
一举:  with one action; at one stroke; at one fell swoop; at the first try 短语和例子一举歼灭来犯之敌 wipe out the invaders at one fell swoop; 一举粉碎反革命集团 smash the counterrevolutionary clique at one blow
歼灭:  annihilate; wipe out; destroy 短语和例子歼灭敌人有生力量 wipe out the enemy's effective strength; 给予歼灭性的打击 strike a crushing blow; deal a smashing blow; 在以后的三个月中, 我们歼灭了大约二十五个旅。 we destroyed about 25 br
一举成功:  succeed in one stroke
在此一举:  hang upon this single action; depend upon this one movement [stroke]
又一举措:  11、this is another measure
成败在此一举:  success or failure hinges on this one action.; sink or swim [success or failure] depends on this action
一举十觞:  toss off bumper after bumper
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