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English translation for "一副纸牌"

pack of playingcardss

Related Translations:
纸牌赌博:  rougeetnoirtrente et quarante
魔法纸牌:  magic card ii
意大利纸牌:  tarot
纸牌类:  playing cards
皇家纸牌:  royal card (austria, set 1)royal card (austria, set 2)
单人纸牌:  solitaire
纸牌魔术:  card tricks
纸牌税:  playing cards tax
白金纸牌:  platinum solitaire
赌纸牌:  gamble at cards on the horses etc
Example Sentences:
1.She can conjure with a pack of poker
2.You were , iike , 1 5 years old with a deck of cards in your hands
3.Said alice , she had grown to her full size by this time . you re nothing but a pack of cards
爱丽丝说,这时她已经恢复到本来的身材了, “你们只不过是一副纸牌! ”
4.This is not meant to be a game this is only an example on how to use class modules to shuffle a deck
5.My name is alice , so please your majesty , said alice very politely ; but she added , to herself , why , they re only a pack of cards , after all
爱丽丝很有礼貌地说,可她又自己嘀咕了句: “哼!说来说去,他们只不过是一副纸牌,用不着怕他们! ”
6.Those broad - boned , reddish hands , with hairs visible under the shirt - cuffs , laid down the pack of cards and took up the glass and pipe that had been handed him
7.Other , more abstract objects ? the shuffle of a pack of cards , the forces that govern our universe ? can likewise be thought of as symmetrical if they remain unchanged after mathematical operations analogous to twisting and flipping
类似地其他更抽象的对象? ?比如洗一副纸牌,或支配我们宇宙的力? ?如果在类似于扭动或翻转的数学运算后仍保持不变,也可以被看作是对称的。
8.Twenty - one roublesdone , he said , pointing to the figure 21 , over and above the round sum of forty - three thousand , and taking a pack , he made ready to deal , rostov submissively turned down the corner , and instead of the 8000 he had meant to write , noted down 21
押二十一卢布的赌注, ”他指着四万三千一笔整数的零头“二十一”这个数字说,他拿起一副纸牌,准备发牌。罗斯托夫顺从地折上纸牌的一角,用心地写上二十一,以取代原来准备押的六千。
Similar Words:
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