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English translation for "一般称"


Related Translations:
无人称:  [语言学] impersonality◇无人称代词 impersonal pronoun; 无人称句 impersonal sentence
一般用量:  common-usage level
一般人:  average manaverage personcivilianeverymanthe man in the street
一般授权:  general authority
一般常数:  generic constant
一般工作人员:  general staff
一般订货:  an ordinary order
一般对数:  general logarithm
一般利润率:  general profit rategeneral rate of profit
一般建议:  general recommendation
Example Sentences:
1." we often characterize this preliminary preparation as the gentle seduction " , says waring
华林说:我们一般称这种初步准备工夫为[柔诱术] 。
2.Half of them reported that they were able to give up cigarettes quickly and easily after they suffered the brain damage
3.The commercial invoice , generally called the invoice makes a general description of the quality , quantity , unit price , and total value of the goods
商业发票,一般称"发票" ,这种单据对货物的质量和数量以及单价和总价进行概括性描述。
4.The commercial invoice , generally called the invoice makes a general de < i > script < / i > ion of the quality , quantity , unit price , and total value of the goods
商业发票,一般称"发票" ,这种单据对货物的质量和数量以及单价和总价进行概括性描述。
5.Japanese colleagues studied their records and traced an orphan tsunami - a giant wave not linked to a local earthquake - that destroyed several villages on 27 january , 1700
6.We took the view that , to facilitate growth and development in any economy , there is always the crucial need for savings to be channelled efficiently into investments , in other words , for money to be mobilised productively for the economy
7.We were glad to hear from the chairman of the china banking regulatory commission cbrc mr liu mingkang earlier this month that the cbrc was considering a possible expansion in the scope of investment for mainland banks engaging in wealth management for mainland investors under what are now commonly referred to as qdii schemes
Similar Words:
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