The silent forests are filled with columns of great trunks lighted dimly by sun filtered through leaves far above . 这种万籁无声的树林,四面都是高耸的树干,繁茂的枝叶高高在上,只容透过微弱的阳光。
The blackness of darkness reigned, and the perfect stillness was interrupted only by occasional mutterings of distant thunder . 四处都被漆黑的夜色笼罩着,只有远处轰隆轰隆的闷雷声偶尔搅扰那万籁无声的寂静。
As the soldiers assisted me across the court the stillness was so profound that if i had been blindfolded i should have supposed i was in a solitude . 兵士们扶着我从庭院中走过去,这时候可真是四边寂静,万籁无声,假如蒙着眼睛的话,我早就以为这是一片旷野荒郊了。