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English translation for "下议院领袖"

leader of the house of commons

Related Translations:
下议院:  1.(众议院) lower house; lower chamber2.(英国下院) the house of commons3.(印度下院) lok sabha
英国下议院:  british house of commons
爱尔兰下议院:  dail eireann
下议院议员:  the members of the house of commons
和下议院:  the house of representative
下议院议长:  fist commonerlower house speakerspeaker
尤其是下议院:  the house
英国国会下议院:  house of commons
爱尔兰下议院选区:  parliamentary constituencies in the republic of ireland
加拿大国会下议院:  canadian house of commons
Example Sentences:
1.Peter hain visits china peter hain mp , the secretary of state for wales and leader of the house of commons , left china on april 13 . he paid a visit to shanghai and beijing from 8 - 12 april 2004
韩培德( peter hain ) ,威尔士国务大臣,下议院领袖于4月8日至12日在上海和北京分别进行了访问,并于13日结束了他的中国之行。
2.During his visit , mr . hain held a series of meetings with ministers and officials of the chinese national people s congress and ministry of foreign affairs and said : " it is clear there is a growing positive relationship between britain and china
韩培德( peter hain ) ,威尔士国务大臣,下议院领袖于4月8日至12日在上海和北京分别进行了访问,并于13日结束了他的中国之行。
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