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English translation for "不明"

[ bùmíng ] 
1.(不清楚) not clear; unknown 短语和例子
2.(不明白) fail to understand

Related Translations:
不明是非:  confuse right and wrong; not know chalk from cheese 短语和例子小孩子不明是非是很正常的。 a small child's confusion in distinguishing the right from the wrong is quite natural
是非不明:  be unable to tell right from wrong; have no sense of right or wrong; not to know right from wrong; right and wrong remain confused.; there is no clarification of [as to] what is right and
不明内情:  be out of the swim
职责不明:  vague delimitation of function
不明机:  bogeybogy
动向不明:  it is uncertain which way one will go.; not aware of the movement; the movement is unknown
不明白地:  intangibly
生死不明:  not knowing whether one is dead or alive; missing; where abouts unknown
目的不明确:  infirm of purpose will etc ie not purposeful not resolute
我不明白:  chio-to mate kudasaicos i don't understandi can't understandi don’t know i don’t know
Example Sentences:
1.I fail to see the bearing of that remark .
2.It was unwise of you to make that decision .
3.We call meanness nobility and hatred honor .
4.Alas, unwisdom has already prevailed .
5.I wondered what they were doing here .
6.Do not you see it was all a frame-up !
7.I could not make out what the police wanted .
8.I am uncertain about how to get there .
9.His decision seems quite irrational .
10.It would be unwise to change tack now .
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