blockfreier staat/bündnisfreier staat non-aligned countries non-aligned nations nonaligned country nonaligned state unaligned country unaligned nations
Related Translations:
不结盟国家司: department of non aligned countriesdepartment of non-aligned countries
不结盟国家会议: conference of heads of state and government of non-aligned countriesconference of non-aligned countriesnon-aligned summit
不结盟国家广播组织: broadcasting organization of the non-aligned countries
不结盟国家新闻部长会议: conference of ministers of information of non-aligned countries
地中海不结盟国家集团: grouof non-aligned mediterranean countries
不结盟国家协调局: coordination bureau of the non-aligned countriescoordination bureau of the non_aligned countries
不结盟国家通讯社联盟: news agencies pool of non-aligned countriesnon aligned nations news agencies poolnon-aligned nations news agencies poolpool
不结盟国家多边活动司: department for multilateral activity of non aligned countriesdepartment for multilateral activity of non-aligned countries
Example Sentences:
A group of20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons 二十个不结盟国家敦促签订禁止太空武器的条约
China is a nonaligned country which will never enter into other countries ' alliances 中国是不结盟国家,不会加入其他国家的联盟
China is a nonaligned country and will never enter into other countries ' alliances 中国是不结盟国家,不会加入其他国家的联盟。
Soviet charges that the space station was merely a military launching platform alarmed a number of nonaligned nations 苏联发表了这一空间站仅是用于不义的军事发射平台之告诉声明使许多不结盟国家陷入了恐慌。