non-aligned groups
Related Translations:
不结盟国家: blockfreier staat/bündnisfreier staatnon-aligned countriesnon-aligned nationsnonaligned countrynonaligned stateunaligned countryunaligned nations
不结盟国家司: department of non aligned countriesdepartment of non-aligned countries
不结盟国家会议: conference of heads of state and government of non-aligned countriesconference of non-aligned countriesnon-aligned summit
不结盟国家运动: movement of non-aligned countries
地中海不结盟国家集团: grouof non-aligned mediterranean countries
不结盟国家广播组织: broadcasting organization of the non-aligned countries
不结盟国家新闻部长会议: conference of ministers of information of non-aligned countries
不结盟国家协调局: coordination bureau of the non-aligned countriescoordination bureau of the non_aligned countries
不结盟国家通讯社联盟: news agencies pool of non-aligned countriesnon aligned nations news agencies poolnon-aligned nations news agencies poolpool
不结盟国家多边活动司: department for multilateral activity of non aligned countriesdepartment for multilateral activity of non-aligned countries