The reality of historical literature and vogue of smoking 历史文学的真实性和吸烟习尚
Gerty was dressed simply but with the instinctive taste of a votary of dame fashion for she felt that there was just a might that he might be out 格蒂穿戴朴素,却又具有一个时髦少女出于本能对社交界流行习尚的敏感。因为她感到,他有可能出门来了。
Culturally , the huai river valley belonged dining the spring and autumn period and the warring states period to the chu culture , which had been characterized with its deep concern with life , reflected in its religion , customs and other cultural features 楚淮文化的根本特徵之一是具有浓厚的生命意蕴,这在其宗教信仰、风俗习尚和文化特质中均有明显反映。
In south areas , binlang fruit is used widely on many occasions such as communication , reception and marriage , which has become an important carrier of folk custom and a special matrimonial convention of binlang fruit as a gift 摘要在南方地区,槟榔被广泛运用在交际待客、婚姻缔结等各种场合,成为南方民俗的重要载体,形成特有的“以槟榔为礼”的婚姻习尚。
The museum has built up a sizable collection of materials on the local ethnic cultures . it includes farming implements , rural household wares and furniture , fishing gears and junk models , all of which illustrate the traditional life of local villagers and boat - dwellers , as well as their farming and fishing industries in hong kong 博物馆建立了一个能反映本港不同族群传统生活习尚的藏品,包括农具、家具、农村及渔民日用器具、捕鱼装备、渔船模型等,有助阐明及了解渔民及农民的生活方式,以及传统农业耕作方法与渔业状况。