| 1. | Countryside one class government has no right to issue card of building property right 乡一级政府无权颁发房屋产权证。 |
| 2. | A new perspective on the validity of the transfer contract for housing property without property right certificate 无产权证房屋转让合同效力新探 |
| 3. | Mandatory legal provision , the building that did not acquire property right disease cannot be made over 强制性法律规定,没有取得产权证的房屋不能转让。 |
| 4. | If you are lump - sum payment , oneself handle property right card , it is ok that he make inning of land room canal directly 假如您是一次性付款,自己办理产权证,自己直接交到国土房管局就可以了。 |
| 5. | The crucial link that has held to buy building process is secondhand without what obtain property right evidence the room cannot be bought 把握好买楼过程的要害环节没有取得产权证的二手房不能买入。 |
| 6. | You are absent this locality , ok also oneself entrust the item of card of conduction property right someone else to be dealt with for you 你不在本地,也可以自己将办理产权证的事项委托给其他人代为办理。 |
| 7. | Castle in the air are the only property you can own without the intervention of lawyers , unfortunately , however , there are no title deeds to them 空中楼阁是唯一不受律师干预的产业,可惜空中楼阁是没有产权证。 |
| 8. | I and the house that loan bought 2000 , did not handle property right card up to now , be dealt with because of can i trust another person outerly 我与2000年贷款买的房,至今没办产权证,因我在外地可以委托他人办理吗 |
| 9. | Because this is bought secondhand the property right evidence that the room must examine house - owner , those who do not have property right card is secondhand house property cannot be bought 因此买二手房一定要查验房主的产权证,没有产权证的二手房产不能购买。 |
| 10. | Every estate already dealt with what move produces again after property right of 2 class market is registered and getting property right card , call move of 3 class market to register 凡房地产已办理二级市场产权登记并领取产权证后又发生转移的,称为三级市场转移登记。 |