[ réncáibèichū ] men of talent come out in succession.; able men are coming forward in multitudes.; (of a district) give birth to talented people generation to generation; large numbers of outstanding people come forward.; people of talent coming forth in large numbers
Related Translations:
营造人才辈出: foster a favorable climate for talented people to come to the for in large numbers
Example Sentences:
There are so many good new actors around that the older ones will soon have to look to their laurels 新演员人才辈出,老演员不久就地位难保了
With its long history and many talents , the ancient town is called the barn of south china , home - town of silk and a land flowing with milk and honey 公司位于杭州西郊仓前镇。古镇历史悠久人才辈出素有“江南粮仓丝绸之府鱼米之乡“的美称。
In november , in a speech delivered from the mahoganypanelled splendour of havana university , the president painted a picture of widespread graft throughout the state - controlled economy 总统11月在人才辈出的哈瓦那大学的一次演讲中画了一幅国家控制下的经济中不断蔓延的渎职现象图。
Mr . tien said . to recognize the contributions and continuous support of training bodies to the ers , the outstanding award for training bodies were also presented this year 此外,该局在表扬雇主和学员的同时,亦向培育杰出学员上表现历年最卓越的五间培训机构,颁予人才辈出奖,作为答谢培训机构推动再培训计划的贡献。
In the chinese history of literature and arts the fertile land of huzhou fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo , yu pingbu , meng jiao , zhao mengfu , lu yu , who have profoundly influenced the chinese and even world history of arts 人杰地灵的湖州历代人才辈出,吴昌硕、俞平伯、孟郊、趟孟顺、陆羽等在中国乃至世界艺术史上留下了深远的影响。
Representative items from the collection are selected for exhibition to depict how the art of chinese painting and calligraphy has evolved in guangdong , with a special focus on developments , also in modern chinese art , in the 20th century 广东书家,人才辈出,广东书法部份所展出的作品包括陈献章邝露宋湘罗叔重何绍基简经纶等,展现了明代中期至二十世纪广东书法的发展。