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English translation for "冲刷河道"

scour channel

Related Translations:
冲刷作用:  scouring actionscouring effect
初始冲刷:  incipient scour
特大冲刷:  extraordinary scour
冲刷载荷:  scour loadingscour-loading
冲刷流速:  erosive velocityscouring velocityvelocity, erosivevelocity, scouring
冲刷孔:  scour hole
冲刷的:  erosionalerosive
潮水冲刷:  tidal scour
坡地冲刷:  hill-wash
火焰冲刷:  flame-swept
Example Sentences:
1.This paper summarize the estuary sediment management methods also , analyze and the following aspects and give evaluations : estuary dredging and lead the flow , lead water to scour the river channel , build the xihekou reservoir , estuary gate deposition management , dike reinforced etc
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