| 1. | He cut a poor figure on a public occasion . 他在大庭广众中大出洋相。 |
| 2. | You made me look a complete fool ! 你叫我大出洋相了! |
| 3. | Do n't make a spectacle of yourself . 你不要出洋相。 |
| 4. | He is afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends . 他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相。 |
| 5. | Don't make a fool of yourself . 你别出洋相了。 |
| 6. | I'll be as prim as i can and not get into any scrapes, if i can help it . 我会面孔铁板,一本正经的,假如我留点神,准不会出洋相。 |
| 7. | She jawed him for making an exhibition of himself, scolding as though he were a ten-year-old . 她连声怪他这样大出洋相,拿他当十岁的孩子似的数落。 |
| 8. | They come when everybody's high so they can stand around and watch us make fools of ourselves . 他们要等大家都酩酊大醉时才来,好站在一旁看咱们出洋相。 |
| 9. | You didn't say anything that time when we stood there together and delaney was playing the fool . 那一次,我们俩一起站在那儿,台拉奈正大出洋相,你一句话也没说。 |
| 10. | This required that to avoid embarrassment one came to just before the lights went on after the final curtain . 为了避免出洋相,必须在最后一幕演完,灯光大亮之前醒来。 |