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English translation for "反向投影"

back projection

Related Translations:
反向:  opposite direction; reverse; reversion; change; inverse; inversion; reversal
反向引用:  backward referencing
反向电流继电器:  back current relayback-current relayreverse current relayreverse-current relay
反向计数器:  ccw counterclockwise
反向方位:  reciprocal bearingreciprocal beatingreverse bearing
反向变流器:  inverted converter inverterinverter
反向词:  reversives
反向掩蔽:  backward masking
反向喷管:  reversal nozzle
速度反向:  velocity reversalvelocityreversal
Example Sentences:
1.The corresponding image formation algorithms , both in tune domain and frequency domain , are introduced . beginning with the projection reconstruction theory , convolution - backprojection and its approximated algorithm , backprojection algorithm are given
2.The modified b - p , wb - p , is very efficient for the complicated application scenario , such as impsar , gpr , where the imaging system moves along a fluctuated path . a wb - p fast algorithm , named pure backprojection ( pb - p ) , is presented
提出了一种快速b - p算法,纯反向投影算法( pb - p ) ,分析与成像实验均证明了所提出的算法较之b - p算法在性能上有很大的提高。
3.Again , beginning with wavefront reconstruction theory , a time domain impsar image formation algorithm , b - p algorithm , is derived . it is shown that the impsar b - p algorithm in time domain is theoretically equivalent to soumekh algorithm in frequency domain
通过理论分析,本文从波前重建理论导出了impsar反向投影算法( b - p ) ,证明了b - p算法等效于soumekh算法。
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