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English translation for "嘟嘟嚷嚷"

da doo ron ron

Related Translations:
嚷嚷:  [口语]1.(喧哗) shout; yell; bawl; make a row; make much noise; make an uproar 短语和例子屋里一片嚷嚷声。 the room was in an uproar. 外面人们在嚷嚷。 people are shouting outside.2.(声张) make widely known 短语和例子这事暂时不要
冲某人嚷嚷:  shout at
嚷嚷着要分手:  mumbling a goodbye
外面人们在嚷嚷:  people are shouting outside. make widely known
别冲我嚷嚷:  don't shout at me
屋里一片嚷嚷声:  the room was in an uproar
这消息别嚷嚷出去:  don't blurt out this piece of news
这事暂时不要嚷嚷出去:  don't breathe a word about this for the time being
嘟嘟嘟嘟:  doo doo doo doo i die
嘟嘟:  dudulumpysnoopybb
Example Sentences:
1.Lenehan began to paw the tissues up from the floor , grunting as he stooped twice
2.Clusters of latter flatterers were scattered with muttering utterance in the outer area
3.There an old maid - servant was scolding a young girl who had run in breathless from the cold outside . give over playing , said the old woman ; there is a time for everything
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