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English translation for "嘟嘟哝哝"

mumble in whispers; mutter to oneself

Related Translations:
哝哝:  talk in undertones; murmur
唧唧哝哝:  whisper to one another
咕咕哝哝:  murmuring
嘟嘟嘟嘟:  doo doo doo doo i die
嘟嘟:  dudulumpysnoopybb
嘟嘟声:  beep; blare; toot
嘟嘟车:  tuk tuk
嘟嘟利:  dodrio
嘟嘟响:  beep
嘟嘟计时器:  beetimer
Example Sentences:
1.A roar of anger rose from my father's throat. he danced and shouted a string of inarticulate words .
2.As gods above , i didnt know , muttered the old man , and looking natasha over from head to foot , he went out
上帝明鉴,我不知道, ”老头儿嘟嘟哝哝地说,他从头到脚把娜塔莎打量了一番,然后走出去了。
3.He skirted the enclosures round the opera house in his search for darkness , and as he went along he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases
4.Yes ! you re religious , too . you wouldn t put yourself in opposition to the interests of your husband and child , would you
克朗彻先生嘟嘟哝哝说着话: “啊,不错,你也信上帝,你不会干出对你男人和孩子不利的事,你不会的! ”
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