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English translation for "四下环顾"

look about

Related Translations:
环顾:  look about [around]: 环顾四周 look all round; 环顾左右 look to the left and right
环顾四周:  look aroundlook roundook around
环顾左右:  look to the left and right
环顾周围:  look aboutlook around
环顾世局:  tour d'horizon
他环顾四周:  he listened but could hear nothing
四下散播:  scatter
四下查看:  look about / around/round
四下无人:  nowhereman
四下窥视:  peer around
Example Sentences:
1.After sitting so for some time he got up , and with steps more hurried than his wont , he crossed the long corridor , looking round him with frightened eyes , and went to the back part of the house to the apartments of the eldest princess
Similar Words:
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