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English translation for "环顾四周"

look around
look round
ook around

Related Translations:
环顾:  look about [around]: 环顾四周 look all round; 环顾左右 look to the left and right
四下环顾:  look about
环顾左右:  look to the left and right
环顾周围:  look aboutlook around
环顾世局:  tour d'horizon
他环顾四周:  he listened but could hear nothing
每次我环顾四周:  then every time i turn around
每当我环顾四周:  then every time i turn around
是该醒来环顾四下的时候了:  time to wake up and look around
四周观望:  look about
Example Sentences:
1.In a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked about him .
2.Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way .
3.She looked around her, surveying the cobwebbed, dirt-encrusted lower floor of the house .
4.At a word from their masters they would fly high up into the air, and look around for prey .
5.She sat upon a stone and looked about her at the hard-featured rocks and the glowing sky .
6.The teacher looked about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything in the room .
7.He looked about him for deliverance; but there was no deliverance in this street for him .
8.She looked round the room, reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years .
9.He looked around. there lay the mine. they were old, obsolete. they were like old lions, no more good .
10.After some time , the bus stopped . looking round , i realized with a shock that i was the only passenger left on the bus .
Similar Words:
"环顾" English translation, "环顾, 观光, 进行全面考虑" English translation, "环顾,寻找" English translation, "环顾;东张西望" English translation, "环顾世局" English translation, "环顾周围" English translation, "环顾周围,流光四溢" English translation, "环顾左右" English translation, "环关, 环形" English translation, "环冠颗石" English translation